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Ready for more South Park trivia? Welcome to season 2! In this season, we watch the boys get into even more trouble and the townspeople are more ridiculous than ever! It's funny, it's vulgar, it's gross; just what you'd expect from South Park! Find out how much you know about life in this small but very crazy Colorado town.

In the Terrance and Phillip movie, "Not Without My Anus", which Canadian character is portrayed to have a child with Celine Dion?
A. Ugly Bob
B. Phillip
C. Terrance
A. Terrance
Episode 1 - Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus
The South Park Cows dodgeball team became the world champions after defeating the team from which country?
A. Canada
B. Denmark
C. China
C. China
What is the name of Jesus's talk show?
A. Jesus and Pals
B. Jesus' Big Show
C. God, are you there?
A. Jesus and Pals
As Dr. Mephesto begins to reveal who Cartman's father is, he is shot by who?
A. Kenny
B. His brother
C. Kevin
B. His brother
Episode 2 - Cartman's Mom Is Still a Dirty Slut
What is the name of the song that Cartman has to finish if he hears the first few words of it?
A. Carry on Wayward Son by Kansas
B. The Morning After by Maureen McGovern
C. Come Sail Away by Styx
A. Come Sail Away by Styx
Episode 2 - Cartman's Mom Is Still a Dirty Slut
In the America's Most Wanted re-enactment of Dr. Mephesto's shooting, which actor plays the part of Kevin?
A. Eric Roberts
B. George Clooney
C. Henry Winkler
A. Eric Roberts
Episode 2 - Cartman's Mom Is Still a Dirty Slut
Mr. Mackey passes a small sample of marijuana around the classroom so the children can be familiar with how it smells. When he asks for it back, no one in the class has it. What happened to it?
A. Mr. Hat sold it to Mr. Mackey.
B. Kenny thought it was parsley and ate it.
C. Mr. Garrison took it home and smoked it.
C. Mr. Garrison took it home and smoked it.
Episode 3 - Ike's Wee Wee
What is Ike's country of origin?
A. Denmark
B. Canada
C. Finland
B. Canada
Episode 3 - Ike's Wee Wee
What does the school nurse have attached to her head?
A. A chicken foot
B. Howler monkey testicles
C. A dead fetus
C. A dead fetus
Episode 5 - Conjoined Fetus Lady
Where is the Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka from?
A. Montana
B. Sri Lanka
C. Mexico
B. Sri Lanka
Episode 6 - The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka
What grade did the boys get on their book report about the Vietnam War?
A. F
B. F minus
C. Z minus
B. F minus
Episode 6 - The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka
What name do the boys, especially Kyle, most often call Cartman?
A. Fat Ass
B. Lard Butt
C. Ass Licker
A. Fat Ass
Episode 7 - City on the Edge of Forever
What is the name of the technique from the Bus Driver Video Guidebook that Ms. Crabtree uses to get the children quiet on the bus?
A. "Do you want an office referral?"
B. "Sit down and shut-up!"
C. "Keep quiet, or I'll kill the bunny."
C. "Keep quiet, or I'll kill the bunny."
Episode 7 - City on the Edge of Forever
Which one of the boys was the first to catch chickenpox?
A. Shelly
B. Stan
C. Kenny
C. Kenny
Episode 10 - Chickenpox
Stan, Kyle, and Eric's mothers think it's a good idea to purposely expose the boys to chickenpox, so they can catch it while they are young. When they learn that Kenny has chickenpox, they send the boys to Kenny's house for a sleepover.
The boys go to Kenny's house for a sleepover. When Eric asked Kenny's father where the Nintendo is, he discovers they don't have one. What video game console does Kenny's family have plugged into their black and white TV?
A. Atari Super Pong
B. ColecoVision
C. Odyssey 3000
B. ColecoVision
Episode 10 - Chickenpox
After a sleepover at Kenny's house, which of the boys does not come down with the chickenpox the next day?
A. Kyle
B. Stan
C. Eric
A. Kyle
Episode 10 - Chickenpox
What is the name of the main hospital in South Park?
A. Sacred Heart Hospital
B. Park County General
C. Hell's Pass Hospital
C. Hell's Pass Hospital
Episode 10 - Chickenpox
The boys learn that their parents intended for them to catch the chickenpox from Kenny. They hire a prostitute to get even with their parents by infecting them with what they refer to as "chicken herpes". What was the prostitute's name?
A. Ol' Freda
B. Nut Gobbler
C. Classi
A. Ol' Freda
The children go on a field trip to the planetarium. During the constellation presentation, which famous movie critic does one of the constellations resemble?
A. Gene Siskel
B. Roger Ebert
C. Lenoard Martin
B. Roger Ebert
Episode 11 - Roger Ebert Should Lay Off the Fatty Foods
When the school goes on a field trip to the planetarium, Eric sneaks away to audition to be in a commercial for what product?
A. Sega Dreamcast
B. Cheesy Poofs
C. Chipotlaway
B. Cheesy Poofs
What is Eric Cartman's middle name?
A. Theodore
B. Benjamin
C. Frederick
A. Theodore
Which female singer is depicted as having performed the song "Stinky Britches" without giving Chef compensation or credit for writing the song?
A. Alanis Morissette
B. Lady Gaga
C. Britney Spears
A. Alanis Morissette
Episode 14 - Chef Aid
Chef confronts a record label about the plagarized use of a song he wrote. The record label, represented by Johnnie Cochran, responded by suing Chef for harassment. What is the name of the defense strategy Cochran uses to plead the record label's case?
A. The Wookie Defense
B. The Ewok Defense
C. The Chewbacca Defense
C. The Chewbacca Defense
Episode 14 - Chef Aid
While representing the record label that sued Chef for harassment, Johnnie Cochran used a specific defense strategy to plead the label's case. After winning the case, he felt sorry for Chef and offered to represent him for free in Chef's attempt to have the decision overturned. Which strategy does Cochran use to plead Chef's case?
A. The Chewbacca Defense
B. The Wookie Defense
C. The Ewok Defense
A. The Chewbacca Defense
Episode 14 - Chef Aid
When an episode of South Park is shown in spooky vision, what is displayed in each corner of the screen?
A. The words "Spooky Vision" with dripping blood
B. Barbra Streisand's face
C. Stan with a pumpkin's head
B. Barbra Streisand's face
Cartman's mother takes him and his friends to visit his grandmother. In what state does Cartman's grandmother live?
A. Indiana
B. Nebraska
C. Minnesota
B. Nebraska
While visiting his grandmother in another state, Cartman and his friends learn that Mr. Hanky is appearing at the mall. Cartman asks his family if someone will take them, but they refuse. How do the boys eventually get to the mall?
A. Jeffrey Dahmer flew them there in a helicopter.
B. Charles Manson stole a car and drove them there.
C. Mr. Hankey took them on the Poo-Choo Train.
B. Charles Manson stole a car and drove them there.
Episode 17 - Gnomes
What is the name of Mr. Tweeks Coffee House?
A. Tweek Bros.
B. Tweek's Coffee
C. Harbucks
A. Tweek Bros.
Episode 17 - Gnomes
What is the reason Tweek is always jittery and behaving frantically?
A. He has A.D.D (attention-deficit disorder).
B. He drinks too much coffee.
C. He was a crack baby.
A. He has A.D.D.
What is phase 1 of the Under Pants Gnomes business plan?
A. Collect Underpants
B. Profit
C. No one knows
A. Collect Underpants