Are you a REAL South Park fan?
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How much do you really know about South Park? In the first season, we get to know the boys and a few of their families and friends. Test your knowledge of their first adventures and questionable behavior that makes the lives of Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny such a guilty pleasure to watch. Heads up: our questions are written in true South Park fashion - raw and uncensored. You’ve been warned!

Which one of the boys was the first to be abducted by aliens?
A. Tweek
B. Cartman
C. Ike
B. Cartman
Cartman believes he had a dream about being abducted by aliens when in fact it actually happened.
What does Stan call Miss Crabtree when she refuses to stop the bus so Kyle can save his brother Ike from being abducted by aliens?
A. Fat Bitch
B. Ugly Skank
C. Douche
A. Fat Bitch
Episode 1 - Cartman Gets an Anal Probe
Kyle needs to get off the bus to save his little brother from being abducted by aliens. Stan tells Kyle there's nothing they can do because "That fat bitch won't let us!", referring to Miss Crabtree. She hears his comment and asks, "What did you say?" Stan replies with, "I said rabbits eat lettuce".
When Kyle asked Mr. Garrison for permission to be excused from class so he could attempt to rescue his little brother who had been abducted by aliens, what was Mr. Garrison's answer?
A. No.
B. You go to hell! You go to hell, and you die!
C. I think you should ask Mr. Hat.
C. I think you should ask Mr. Hat.
Episode 1 - Cartman Gets an Anal Probe
When Kyle asks if he can be excused from class, Mr. Garrison insists that Kyle ask his hand puppet Mr. Hat instead. When Kyle reluctantly complies, Mr. Hat (puppeteered by Mr. Garrison) replies, "No! You hear me? You go to hell! You go to hell, and you die!"
During class, Cartman has fiery farts from the alien anal probe. Who's hat subsequently catches fire?
A. Butters
B. Clyde
C. Pip
C. Pip
Unfortunatley, Pip is seated in the desk behind Cartman and is directly in the path of his fiery farts.
What was the name of the alien responsible for mutilating some of the cows?
A. Willy
B. Carl
C. Don
B. Carl
Episode 1 - Cartman Gets an Anal Probe
The aliens considered the cows the most intelligent beings on earth and wanted to communicate with them. The mutilations were a mistake by the alien "Carl" who was new.
Who gave Cartman pink eye while he was on the alien ship?
A. Ricky Martin
B. Patrick Duffy
C. Scott Bao
C. Scott Bao
When Cartman is returned to earth after being abducted by aliens for a second time, he again thinks it was a dream and explains the events leading up to his abduction, including how Scott Bao gave him pink eye while on the alien ship.
How does Stan react whenever Wendy talks to him?
A. He faints.
B. He vomits.
C. He farts.
B. He vomits.
When Jimbo and Ned take the boys hunting, what does Jimbo tell the boys to say before shooting an animal?
A. It's coming right for us!
B. There's Scott Peterson!
C. Thin the heard!
A. It's coming right for us!
Episode 3 - Volcano
Jimbo explains to the boys that it's illegal to hunt certain animals unless they pose an immediate threat. To get around this law, they pretend every animal is a threat by yelling, "It's coming right for us!" before shooting at them.
How did Ned lose his arm?
A. A hunting accident
B. A grenade blew up in his hand.
C. Man Bear Pig ripped it off.
B. A grenade blew up in his hand.
Episode 3 - Volcano
During the Vietnam War, Ned lost his right arm when a live grenade blew up in his hand.
Who convinces Mr. Garrison to kill Kathy Lee Gifford?
A. Mr. Hat
B. Himself
C. Officer Barbrady
B. Himself
Mr. Hat is a hand puppet controlled by Mr. Garrison. Mr. Garrison was technically speaking to himself when he puppeteered Mr. Hat to suggest that he kill Kathy Lee Gifford.
Which television actor did Skuzzlebut have as a leg?
A. Erick Roberts
B. Brent Mesburger
C. Patrick Duffy
B. Patrick Duffy
Skuzzlebut has Patrick Duffy as a leg and a stick of celery for a hand.
What is the name of the weight gain supplement Cartman takes to "get in shape" for his television appearance?
A. Weight Gain 4000
B. Beefcake
C. Bulk Up
A. Weight Gain 4000
Episode 2 - Weight Gain 4000
Where do Chef's parents live?
A. Australia
B. Scotland
C. Germany
B. Scotland
Who does Mr. Garrison look like after his nose job?
A. Barry Gibb
B. David Hasselhoff
C. Michael Buffer
B. David Hasselhoff
Stan's dog is a mix of what 2 breeds?
A. Rottweiler and St. Bernard
B. Doberman Pinscher and wolf
C. Bulldog and fox
B. Doberman Pinscher and Wolf
According to Stan, his dog Sparky is part Doberman Pinscher and part wolf - the toughest dog on the mountain.
Who sings Loving You during the halftime show of the Southpark vs Middle Park football game?
A. John Stamos' older brother
B. Neil Diamond's 2nd cousin
C. Ron Howard
A. John Stamos' older brother
Episode 4 - Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride
Richard Stamos is the fictional older brother of John Stamos. He was hired to sing Loving You by Minnie Riperton for a football game half time show.
Which of the boys' parents lead a protest to ban the Terrance and Phillip show?
A. Stan's dad
B. Cartman's mom
C. Kyle's mom
C. Kyle's mom
Episode 6 - Death
When Kyle's mom discovers Kyle watching the Terrance and Phillip show, she is disturbed by the content. Kyle tells her that everyone watches the show which prompts her get the show banned.
Who did Stan and Wendy dress up as for Halloween?
A. Chewbacca and Princess Leia
B. Raggedy Andy and Chewbacca
C. Papa Smurf and Smurfette
B. Raggedy Andy and Chewbacca
Episode 7 - Pinkeye
Stan and Wendy originally planned to dress up as Raggedy Ann and Andy and enter the costome contest as a pair. Wendy decided they would look stupid, and assumed Stan would draw the same conclusion. She dressed as Chewbacca instead but did not tell Stan.
While being introduced as the new student joining the class, where does Damien the son of Satan, say he's from?
A. The lake of fire
B. The 7th layer of Hell
C. The house of Hades
B. The 7th layer of Hell
Episode 10 - Damien
Damien, the son of Satan, is sent to earth to find Jesus. When Mr. Garrison introduces him to his new classmates, he asks Damien where he's from. Damien tells the class he's from the 7th layer of hell.
What is the South Park Police Department slogan on the side of Officer Barbrady's patrol car?
A. To Patronize and Annoy
B. To Run and Hide
C. To Agonize and Stress
A. To Patronize and Annoy
Episode 1 - Cartman Gets an Anal Probe
Who's career does Kyle tell Ike to do an impression of to get him to jump from the alien ship?
A. Tom Selleck
B. Alec Baldwin
C. David Caruso
C. David Caruso
Episode 3 - Volcano

While on the way to take the boys hunting for the first time, Jimbo explains 3 basic rules of hunting:

1. Never walk with your gun unless the safety's on.

2. Don't shoot anything that looks human.

What was the 3rd rule?
A. You should never go hunting without whiskey.
B. Never spill your beer in the bullet chamber.
C. Drinking gasoline improves your aim.
B. Never spill your beer in the bullet chamber.
Episode 3 - Volcano
What was the name of the volcano that erupted while the boys were on their hunting trip with Jimbo?
A. Phil Collins Mountain
B. Cheyenne Mountain
C. Mount Evanston
C. Mount Evanston
Episode 3 - Volcano
In the volcano safety film shown by Officer Barbrady, what does the film instruct you to do if you hear a volcano erupt?
A. Duck and cover.
B. Stop, drop, and roll.
C. When volcanos roar, go indoors.
A. Duck and cover.
Episode 3 - Volcano
When the lava from an erupting volcano threatens South Park, Randy comes up with a plan to dig a trench to divert the lava to a canyon so it would bypass South Park. Randy isn't aware that the canyon leads to another city. What city does the lava eventually flow into?
A. Conifer
B. Middle Park
C. Denver
C. Denver
Episode 3 - Volcano
Who was the winner of the "Save Our Fragile Planet" essay contest?
A. Wendy
B. Cartman
C. Neither one of them
B. Cartman
Episode 2 - Weight Gain 4000
When Mr. Garrison asks Officer Barbrady where he can get a clear shot of Kathy Lee Gifford, where does he suggest Mr. Garrison should go?
A. The Book Depository
B. Bowery Building
C. True Value
A. The Book Depository
Episode 2 - Weight Gain 4000
What is the name of Cartman's pot-bellied pig?
A. Piggy
B. Fluffy
C. Stripe
B. Fluffy
Episode 4 - Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride
Which of the following is NOT the name of one Cartman's stuffed animals?
A. Polly Prissypants
B. Mega Man Marc
C. Rumper Tumpskin
B. Mega Man Marc
Episode 13 - Cartman's Mom Is a Dirty Slut
Cartman's stuffed animals are named Clyde Frog, Polly Prissypants, Peter Panda, Rumper Tumpskin, and Muscle Man Marc.
Kyle needs to get out of school to try to rescue his brother from the aliens. What does Chef do to get Kyle out of school?
A. He gives him a hall pass.
B. He calls a bomb threat.
C. He starts a fire drill.
C. He starts a fire drill.
Episode 1 - Cartman Gets an Anal Probe