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The outrageous and extremely inappropriate antics continue in South Park Season 3. We meet some new characters, visit the rainforest, and almost re- write history! Does any of that ring a bell? Test your knowledge with these trivia questions and find out how much you know!

What is the name of the choir that visited South Park Elementary to recruit kids for their national tour?
A. Saving the Rainforest to Totally Gay
B. Rainforest Shmainforest
C. Getting Gay with Kids
C. Getting Gay with Kids
Episode 1 - Rainforest Shmainforest
Which of the boys can speak Spanish?
A. Butters
B. Cartman
C. Ike
B. Cartman
Episode 1 - Rainforest Shmainforest
When the boys re-enact the stations of the cross, which one plays the role of Jesus?
A. Pip
B. Butters
C. Cartman
C. Cartman
What is the name of the law firm Gerald works for?
A. Broflovski Esquire
B. Broflovski and Jackson
C. Kyle's Dad Attorney at Law
B. Broflovski and Jackson
Episode 2 - Spontaneous Combustion
What does Randy discover is causing the residents of South Park to spontaneously combust?
A. They were holding in their farts.
B. Global Warming
C. Crab People
A. They were holding in their farts.
Episode 2 - Spontaneous Combustion
What name does Cartman's eye doctor call him to make fun of his weight?
A. Little Fatty
B. Porky
C. Piggy
C. Piggy
What is Chef's full name?
A. Isaac Hayes
B. Jerome McElroy
C. Thomas McDonald
B. Jerome McElroy
What mythical creature does Chef's parents claim to have frequent encounters with?
A. The Kraken
B. The Loch Ness Monster
C. The Yeti
C. The Loch Ness Monster
What is the shop class teacher's name?
A. Mr. Conners
B. Mr. Adler
C. Mr. Garrett
C. Mr. Adler
The boys manipulate Tweek and Craig into fighting each other. They arrange for the fight to take place after school, but neither Tweek nor Craig show up. Craig tells Cartman that he didn't show because he was watching what cartoon?
A. Red Racer
B. Wacky Races
C. Terrance and Phillip
A. Red Racer
Cartman sues Stan for sexual harassment after Stan calls him what name?
A. Butt Muncher
B. Ball Licker
C. Ass Sucker
C. Ass Sucker
Cartman expresses that he thinks Sexual Harassment Panda is cool. Stan tells him that he would think that because he's an ass sucker.
What is the real name of the character that plays Peetie the Sexual Harassment Panda?
A. Tom Morris
B. Timmy Burch
C. Mr. Evans
A. Tom Morris
Episode 7 - Cat Orgy
Stan's parents go to a meteor shower party hosted by Mr. Mackey, and they take Stan with them. Mr. Mackey has designated a room in the basement for kids. What boy was one of three already in the kids room when Stan arrived?
A. Clyde
B. Dougie
C. Filmore
B. Dougie
Why is the ATF outside of Mr. Mackey's house during his meteor shower party?
A. They believe the party goers are a cult planning to commit mass suicide.
B. They believe the children in the house will be sacrificed when the meteor shower begins.
C. Because Tom Cruise would not come out of the closet.
A. They believe the party goers are a cult planning to commit mass suicide.
Episode 8 - Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub
What country are the Chinpokomon dolls from?
A. Japan
B. China
C. North Korea
A. Japan
Episode 11 - Chinpokomon
The boys meet at the bus stop with their new Chinpokomon dolls. Kyle, however, does not have one. What doll does he have?
A. Alabama Man
B. Mega Ranger
C. Cyborg Bill
C. Cyborg Bill
Episode 11 - Chinpokomon
At the South Park Annual Spelling Bee, what word is Cartman given to spell and ultimately gets incorrect?
A. There
B. Chair
C. Bear
B. Chair
Episode 12 - Hooked on Monkey Fonics
One of the home-schooled children, Mark, begs his parents to let him go to public school. Worried for his safety, how do his parents send him to school?
A. Covered in bubble wrap
B. In a giant hamster ball
C. Wearing an IN-Security System
B: In a giant hamster ball
Episode 12 - Hooked on Monkey Fonics
After Mark the home-schooled kid is duct taped to a bench by the boys during recess, his father confronts the boys' dads about their behavior. In an effort to ease tensions, the dads offer Mark's father a beer. He declines because he says he only drinks wine coolers. Disturbed by his response, what do they do to him?
A. Duct tape him to a bench
B. Handcuff him to flag pole
C. Hang him upside down by one leg
A. Duct tape him to a bench
Episode 12 - Hooked on Monkey Fonics
The boys practice their instruments for a Civil War re-enactment. Which instrument is Kenny playing?
A. Drum
B. Flute
C. Violin
B. Flute
Episode 14 - The Red Badge of Gayness
Who is the alcohol sponsor for South Park's Civil War re-enactment?
A. Pabst Blue Ribbon
B. Smorgasvein
C. Jagerminz S'More Schnapps
C. Jagerminz S'More Schnapps
Episode 14 - The Red Badge of Gayness
Why does Cartman believe he's started puberty?
A. He's bleeding from his ass.
B. He grew his first pubic hair.
C. He made older friends.
A. He's bleeding from his ass.
It's 1999, and the people of South Park are expecting Jesus to do something big to commemorate the start of the new millennium. Jesus isn't sure what to do for them, so he asks them what they want. What do they ask for?
A. To get rid of all the Mexicans
B. To meet God
C. For the kids to stop skate boarding on the side walk
B. To meet God
When Jesus throws a millennium party, God appears and allows the townspeople to ask him one question. Stan decides to ask a question. What does he ask?
A. When will I hit puberty?
B. How does Kyle die?
C. How come I haven't gotten my period yet?
C. How come I haven't gotten my period yet?
Episode 16 - Are You There God? It's Me, Jesus
Jesus decides to put on a concert in Las Vegas for the people of South Park to celebrate the millennium. Which musical artist does he arrange to perform at the concert?
A. Sir Elton John
B. Sir Paul McCartney
C. Sir Rod Stewart
C. Sir Rod Stewart
Episode 16 - Are You There God? It's Me, Jesus
What song do the 4 million 3rd graders play for the World Wide Recorder Concert?
A. The Star Spangled Banner
B. My Country, 'Tis of Thee
C. America the Beautiful
B. My Country, 'Tis of Thee
Episode 17 - World Wide Recorder Concert
What is the name of the planet that Starvin Marvin relocated his village to?
A. Feklar
B. Marklar
C. Fark McGeezax
B. Marklar
Episode 13 - Starvin' Marvin in Space
When Chef quits his job in the school cafeteria, who replaces him?
A. Mr. Slave
B. Towelie
C. Mr. Derp
C. Mr. Derp
Episode 3 - Succubus